Read the Story

As each new part of the 12-part series is published, it will be added below. New posts go out every Tuesday and Saturday - subscribe to be notified!

Preface: Time to Tell the Truth
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ― Maya Angelou And yet, it occurs to me now that we can never run with our lies indefinitely. Sooner or later we are forced to confront their darkness. We can choose the when, not the if. And the
1. A Personal Polemology: Three Vignettes from a Decade-Long Holy War
You say that I showed you the light, but all it did in the end was make the dark feel darker than before. — Lucy Dacus How wonderful to be hidden, how terrible not to be found. — D.W. Winnicott ⚠️CONTENT WARNING: (Mention of Homophobia, Suicide, Conversion Therapy, Religious Harm). What